Boys and Girls born in 2011-2014

Select Soccer (sometimes referred to as travel soccer) is the most advanced level of soccer within our program.  Designed for the serious player, select soccer has cost and commitment expectations that exceed that of the Competitive program.  There is more travel and expenses and the commitment and focus of training and competing are greater. Players are selected for teams via a tryout process based on age and ability.  Players who are not chosen for a team are offered training positions with the club in order to better their skills for future participation.  Teams are trained and coached by volunteers with support from professional & staff coaches.  Teams are expected to play in competitive leagues and tournaments.  Our most competitive teams will feature in state and regional advancement competitions.

The fall season is normally August thru mid-October, the spring season is normally April thru June.  The registration fee for the year is $175.  Here are other normal per-player expenses as a part of a select team:
Uniform - $131
Tournaments (3-4per season) - $150
Coaching/Training (per season) - $100
Some teams have a league fee - $50
Local tournaments are typically 3-4 times a season, most are within 3 hours of Kearney, a regional tournament each season might be on the schedule (Kansas City, Denver, Sioux Falls, Des Moines). If a team plays a league schedule, that is normally 7 games in Lincoln.
U11 & U12 Select Academy (2014 & 2013 birth-dates)

At the Under 11 and Under 12 levels we accept all players who can meet our financial, time and commitment requirements.  We will be utilizing an academy system for all teams and players.  All players in each gender/age group will be placed under the direction of a Head Coach and staff of assistants.  For league games and tournaments players will be placed on teams based on ABILITY and availability.  Where we have sufficient numbers we will field two teams - based on ABILITY.  If our number is too great for one team yet not enough for two teams we will "rotate" our rosters in order to give all players a fair number of events in which to participate.  When there are numbers enough for two teams, player placement will be decided upon by the Director of Coaching with input from the Head Coach.       


 U11 select letter   Information on moving from Competitive Soccer to Select Soccer.


U13 & U14 Select Teams (2012 & 2011 birthdates)
At the U13 & U14 levels there will be single roster teams in each age group.  The maximum number of players that can be placed on a team roster is 22, but rosters may feature less at the discretion of the coach and the agreement of the Director of Coaching.  The final number and selection of players will be determined by the Director of Coaching in consultation with the Head Coach.  The primary factor in determining the number of players on the final roster is ability. If there are more players wishing to play for a team than the roster number allows, those additional players will be offered spots as practice players.  Practice players may be added to the active roster, but only when a determination is made by the Head Coach - in consultation with the Director of Coaching.